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Our series is currently in development, and we’re excited to share a pilot session focused on loved ones and families. Sign up to be among the first to experience this impactful resource and join us in bringing hope and understanding to faith communities.

Planned Sessions

  • What do people think about addiction, and why do we need to start talking about it?

  • Explore how addiction develops and what it truly means to be addicted.

  • Understand the key factors involved in addiction to psychoactive substances.

  • Develop deeper understanding of the challenges and experiences of friends and family who are close to someone with problematic substance use.

  • What does recovery look like? Explore common and diverse journeys toward wellness and hope.

  • How has the church helped—or harmed—those struggling with addiction? Learn how we can do better.

  • What’s working in society’s response to addiction? What isn’t? Dive into policies that need change.