Get Involved


Your support helps us develop and share this resource with faith communities. While we seek charitable status for the Out of Hiding organization, your donation is tax deductible through our partnership with GiveWise.

Donate through GiveWise

Every donation brings us closer to equipping communities with the tools to address addiction compassionately.

Partner with us

Are you a church, organization, or community group interested in addressing addiction together? Partnering with us could involve:

  • Hosting a screening or workshop

  • Supporting the development of new sessions

  • Sharing our resources with your network

 Reach out to explore how we can work together to create meaningful change.

My dad used to say to me, “Mike, there's a good life out there for you. It's not easy, but it's possible.” And that's what brings me hope. I have a tattoo on the inside of my arm from the Psalms, and it says, "I pulled you out of the mud and mire and set your feet on solid rock and steadied your walk." That's possible for anybody.

— Mike Sikora