We know that finding help can be overwhelming, and it can be challenging to locate the right resources. Here are a few tools that may help:
Crisis Intervention:Crisis Centre BC
Emergency: Call 911 (Available 24/7)
Suicide Crisis: Call or Text 988 (Available 24/7)
Moms Stop the Harm Holding Hope Groups
Al-Anon Family Groups (For loved ones of those in addiction)
Parents Forever (For parents of those in addiction)
Indigenous Support:
First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)Youth and Young Adults:
Kids Help Phone (Canada)Mental Health Commission of Canada
Harm Reduction:
Towards the Heart
I'm forever grateful for people who chose to stay by my side and have hope and believe in me, believe in my potential. Even in the confusion, even in the uncertainty of the outcome, even in in not being sure if I was going to make it, people persisted.
— Daniel Snyder